Tickling The Ivories

guy and girl

This question was recently asked on quora.com:

Do women like guys who play the piano, or is that too feminine of an instrument?

I won’t make a call on effeminacy except to say that most “creative” males, whether they paint, write poetry, or play an instrument, are considered to be a little bit left of gender center. Call it sensitivity if you like. I’ll simply comment on the issue of, “Do girls like guys who play the piano?”

Some Context

Firstly, I equate keyboard players with piano players because, in essence, they’re the same thing. I have been touring as a keyboardist in well-known bands for many years. The keyboard player is frequently given the job of musical director and makes more money than the other musicians, sometimes significantly more.

For most of my career, I’ve been proud of the high-tech look of my keyboards, the sounds I’ve programmed, and my ability to go head-to-head with any guitar thrasher when soloing.

The Story

About ten years ago I was in Syracuse for a show. It was the beginning of a tour, and we arrived a day early. After checking in to the hotel, we agreed to meet for dinner. The door to the lounge was near the elevators, and we decided to gather there later.

I arrived early and noticed a cute girl tending the bar. Only a handful of people were in the place, so she wasn’t that busy. I strolled over and started a conversation.

“I just got in from out of town.”

“What brings you here?” she asked.

“I’m a musician, and I’m doing a show tomorrow night,” I replied.

“I love music,” she said. “I have at least a hundred CDs, but I particularly like listening to and watching bands live.”

At this point, some of my other band members had arrived and approached us. 

They overheard the last part of the conversation, and one of them asked:

“Who’s generally the coolest player in a band?”

She thought momentarily and answered, “Probably the singer or lead guitarist.”

“Who’s the least cool?”

“The keyboard player.”

She turned back to me and asked what I played.

“The stock market,” I replied.