MtH #11 A Reason To Be Leary

Hey everybody Anyone got the blahs? The festive hoopla is over and what are we faced with? Ten weeks at least of WINTER. The Toronto area has it easy compared to the rest of Canada with the exception of extreme south western British Columbia. Travel 50 kilometres outside of the Greater Toronto Area and there’s…

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MtH#10 Happy New Year

Happy New Year everybody! January 1 is a good day to make or review your resolutions. Not start them. What I’m suggesting is really only important for a few of the annual promises we make to ourselves, like quitting or cutting back on anything habitual. Let’s have a cooling-off pause, a grace period, much like some…

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MtH #9 Christmas

Christmas No question, my favourite time of the year……………okay, don’t start looking for a punch line. You don’t trust me, I know, to make a serious comment and not desecrate it later with some flippant remark. It’s a disorder (psychological, neural, biological, genetic, take your pick). You gotta love it. Unless you work in retail.…

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MtH #8 The BS box is broken. Look out!

Infamy and Snacks There were a few things about this gig that I’ve been at for just about 36 years now ( January 24 1981 was my first show with Gord, the Mill Run Theatre in Chicago) that I didn’t anticipate. Here’s one that could be scary for some people. Because of the high profile…

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MtH #7B Exciting Conclusion

The Exciting Conclusion    72 hours later Okay, okay! Stop it! I’m being pummeled, nay, strafed, by criticism after publishing the first half of this blog on Saturday. Generally, some readers are concerned that I’m straying from the original idea which was………….I’m thinking…………ahem………….     Doesn’t matter, whatever the hell it was, some of you are thinking I’ve lost…

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MtH #7 Parenthetical 2

Hi Everybody!!! An accepted bit of practical advice to anyone who is comfortable with what Marshal McLuhan referred to as “cool” media and aspires to write with any kind of professionalism: “Be careful with exclamation marks”. Implied in this is, “Don’t use them at all”. Can you believe it?!!! Ditto for bold type. And Italics. Don’t get me started on emoticons.…

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MtH #6 Opening Night

The Old Lady’s Doing Fine How’s this for a great start to the Massey Hall run. It’s 2:30 pm, a perfect time to leave my house in Mississauga and get downtown comfortably for a 4pm sound check. That will take into consideration most contingencies like traffic jams, searching for a parking spot etc. And it…

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MtH #5 Sorry? No chance.

Hi everyone Two things to start with. You were expecting some posts about the four show swing through Ontario. Not to trivialize what we do, but there was nothing really worth reporting that would interest most of you (with a couple of exceptions, I’ll get to those). I’m not turning this into Facebook……… eg: Got…

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MtH Weekly #4 Foo Say

Mike the Heff Weekly #4  Hi everyone. Welcome to the fourth weekly report. I’m starting to get some  good feedback  even though you don’t see many posted comments. People are preferring to use email. That’s fine. Email is like using “reply”, the posted comments are like using “reply all”. Speaking of feedback, here’s an interesting…

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MtH weekly #2 Dating Destiny

Hi everybody and welcome to the second of my weekly reports. Now I say weekly, but it might be a little bit over-ambitious to expect fifty-two of these in a year. Forty is more realistic. If it gets close to midnight on a Sunday and there still isn’t a report it doesn’t mean that they…

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