The Legend of Orm Part 4

Existential Angst If The Dog Hadn’t Stopped To Have A Crap, He Would’ve Caught The Rabbit That was one of Dad’s more philosophical aphorisms. He considered the game of “WHAT IF….” to be ridiculous.  He was all for learning from life’s experiences, but in his opinion, wasting precious time obsessing over ‘what might have been’…

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The Legend of Orm Part 3

CHANGES My Father chose an excellent place for us to live. We backed onto a densely wooded area with a stream running at the rear of our lot. There was wildlife galore and off to the left, an abandoned orchard. Later the first summer, we discovered that we could eat the tasty Macintosh apples, although…

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The Legend of Orm Part 2

Family Life — Music Vs. Kids We are the children of Frances and Ormiston Heffernan. In the order in which we were born, we are Patrick 1952, Michael 1953, Mary 1960, and Jane 1962.  I could easily write a hundred pages about my remarkable family. If I’m alive and kicking for a few more years,…

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The Legend of Orm Part 1

A SINGULAR MAN Named after an officer who fought in the Great War, Ormiston was born November 28, 1923. He became known as Ormie and later simply Orm. What an unusual man he was—I mean that in a good way. He was intelligent with a quick sense of humor and the ability to “do a…

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