Nightlife Part 2

Nightlife part 2 When Hap Roderman joined (the very next night after the Lionel-Rick dust-up) not that much changed. I mean that in a good way. For our band to play pop music well, we had to make up or fill-in for the lack of guitar. Lionel knew what to do and so did Hap. …

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A Special Note

   Those of you following my blog may remember the post I did about a music-comedy revue called Nightlife.  I talked a lot about the leader and frontman, Joe Fergus.  Joe was an excellent entertainer. He could sing the ballads or the up-tempo numbers with equal ease. He had many hilarious, off-the-wall comedy characters and…

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Nightlife Part 1

Out Of The Blue In mid-May of 1980, I got a call from a friend I hadn’t seen or heard from in four years. The last time we had spoken was August 1976, and I had no idea what she’d been doing, where she was living etc. Her name was Mary-Lu Zahalan. She said she…

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