2018 Tour

Some Thoughts On Concert Year 2018 A watershed year of sorts with Gord and myself celebrating a combined 145 years of membership in the human race. Our birthdays are one day apart calendrically plus 15 years chronologically. Significant birthdays they were for both of us, he turning the phenomenal age of 80 and me reaching…

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The Pipes Are Calling Ye

The Riot In Dublin The “Troubles​” began in the early 1900’s with Irish defiance of British colonialism. Over the years protests, assassinations and rioting would be very intense for a period of time. Then there would be something akin to a cease-fire and the problem would fade out of the World’s consciousness for months, even years on end.…

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Left At Albuquerque

As part of this trip we’re currently on, we had to fly from El Paso TX to Scottsdale AZ. We passed over Albuquerque NM at 40,000 feet and I was reminded  of an emergency landing we made there just last year. We were heading back to Toronto from Scottsdale and at around 1:00 am MST…

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Hi everyone. It’s been a while. I’m going to try and get these posts going again on a regular basis. You’ve heard that before from me, I know. We’re into day 3 of a western US trip. At the moment I’m 10,000 feet above California just skirting the Bay Area on our way from Sacramento to…

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MtH # 19 Rama Bama

Hi everyone I’m going to have to start calling this “MtH Weekly Maybe”. Or how about “MtH Weakly”? If I apologize everytime I miss a week or two, its going to get old fast. So I won’t. April, albeit early april, and I’m driving north from Toronto in one of those nighttime snowstorms that seem to come…

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MtH #18 Tuna Piano Conclusion

Continued from MtH #17 So the story continues. While at the doctor’s office the phone rings. Jennifer answers it.“It’s for you.”“Nobody knows I’m here.”“‘Nobody’ wants to talk to you” she replies with a tinge of friendly sarcasm.“Then why should I answer it?” I say, playing the game.“Who’s on first?” we both say in unison.I’m not sure…

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MtH #17 You Can Tuna Piano

Hello from Nashville I’m scurrying around frantically getting ready to head over to the famous Ryman Auditorium for our show here in Nashville. But I thought I’d drop a little note to my faithful readers who may be thinking I’ve lost interest in the blog. Not in the slightest. My lame excuse is that I’ve…

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MtH #15 Holy Toledo

Holy Toledo Hi everyone I’ll begin with a story about a fairly well-known and well-liked Canadian singer-songwriter named Brent Titcomb. I worked with him on and off from 1980 until the early 90s. I did most of his live shows and played on his second album. His producer, guitar player, and music biz partner, Tommy Graham,…

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MtH # 14 Without a net

Hi everybody! I apologize if anyone was disappointed last weekend. I have this vision of people frantically checking the site every half hour for a new post. Wanting, needing, thirsting, for their weekly shot of air-headed foolery. I will try to make up for it over the next few weeks by being even more mind-blowingly moronic,…

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MtH #11 A Reason To Be Leary

Hey everybody Anyone got the blahs? The festive hoopla is over and what are we faced with? Ten weeks at least of WINTER. The Toronto area has it easy compared to the rest of Canada with the exception of extreme south western British Columbia. Travel 50 kilometres outside of the Greater Toronto Area and there’s…

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