Borderline Crazy

Canada and the United States nestle against each other for an incredible 8891 km (5525 miles). It’s called the longest undefended border in the world. But, of course, that just means no troops are guarding it.  But it certainly is defended against Illegal immigration and the unapproved (untaxed} import/export of goods. Along with all the…

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They Don’t Get It part 2

We left off part one with me finally making it back to the hotel at about 12:55 AM. I was soaked in sweat even though the temperature was hanging below the freezing mark. During the hour and three quarters walk when I wasn’t using my entire focus to dodge traffic I was able to come…

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Thank You

I’m overwhelmed and close to speechless by your messages of concern. We are fine. I can’t tell you who “we” are except that I’m one of them. I’ll explain what happened as I continue this story in my blog. It’s just about 8:30 AM EST. I hope to have it done by noon.

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They Don’t Get It part 1

Until They Get It You know you’re having a bad day when ……. As I was saying in a recent post, I’m getting tired of Covid 19. We all are. What burns my ass, even more, is the unbelievable irrationality of the protest groups. But even that discussion is getting old. There’s only one reality…

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Nightlife Part 2

Nightlife part 2 When Hap Roderman joined (the very next night after the Lionel-Rick dust-up) not that much changed. I mean that in a good way. For our band to play pop music well, we had to make up or fill-in for the lack of guitar. Lionel knew what to do and so did Hap. …

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Happy New Year Everyone

I hope you found some joy in the Christmas season despite the constant battle to stay ahead of THE VIRUS. This insidious little wanker of a micro-organism has been pissing me off for two Christmas seasons now. Not only can a whole multitude of the buggers “pop in” without an invitation, but they also procreate…

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The Shirley Years part 9

Thanks Evelyne for the pictures

It took a good deal longer for the new airplane to arrive from Trenton than initially estimated. Soon after we were aboard, I fell asleep and didn’t stir until our final descent into Alert.  It could have been another planet as the bright runway lights revealed nothing but snow and ice on either side.  …

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Hi everyone. I’ve been really busy lately with overdue productions, rehearsals and the big MASSEY HALL EXTRAVAGANZA.  I’ll get right back to the blog soon.  Thanks always for checking in and remember there are quite a few posts going back to 2016 and you may have missed some of them.  Because I’m a dunderhead, not…

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The Shirley Years part Eight

Coughed Up From The Belly Of The Beast Iqaluit is the capital of Nunavut, one of three territories in northern Canada. Prior to 1987, it was called Frobisher Bay. It is situated in the south-eastern section of Baffin Island.This is where our airplane would re-fuel.Even though it is south of the Arctic Circle, it was…

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A Special Note

   Those of you following my blog may remember the post I did about a music-comedy revue called Nightlife.  I talked a lot about the leader and frontman, Joe Fergus.  Joe was an excellent entertainer. He could sing the ballads or the up-tempo numbers with equal ease. He had many hilarious, off-the-wall comedy characters and…

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