MtH #5 Sorry? No chance.

Hi everyone Two things to start with. You were expecting some posts about the four show swing through Ontario. Not to trivialize what we do, but there was nothing really worth reporting that would interest most of you (with a couple of exceptions, I’ll get to those). I’m not turning this into Facebook……… eg: Got…

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MtH Weekly #4 Foo Say

Mike the Heff Weekly #4  Hi everyone. Welcome to the fourth weekly report. I’m starting to get some  good feedback  even though you don’t see many posted comments. People are preferring to use email. That’s fine. Email is like using “reply”, the posted comments are like using “reply all”. Speaking of feedback, here’s an interesting…

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MtH weekly #2 Dating Destiny

Hi everybody and welcome to the second of my weekly reports. Now I say weekly, but it might be a little bit over-ambitious to expect fifty-two of these in a year. Forty is more realistic. If it gets close to midnight on a Sunday and there still isn’t a report it doesn’t mean that they…

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MtH Weekly #1 Donald Duck

Hi Everyone! Welcome to the first of my weekly reports on whatever bugs, pleases, amazes me or just is. It might be controversial from time to time which will be a bonus. I love controversy. So let’s not waste time in getting right down to a sensitive topic, Donald Trump. I could have included a…

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New Weekly Report Coming

Starting the weekend beginning Friday Oct. 21 and each weekend following, I’ll be reporting on whatever seems interesting at the time. It could be current events, philosophy, gossip etc. At times I’ll trash, at times praise, sometimes just observe and report. I think it will all be worthy of comment, so please do.

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Ram’s Head

This is our second time this year at this unusual venue. We do club-style shows from time to time. In fact, BB King’s, just the night before, is a show-bar but a large one like Barrymore’s in Alexandria Virginia or the Canyon Club just north of LA. But the Ram’s Head is more like the places I…

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BB King’s

Hi everyone. I’m back at the hotel after an excellent show at the Flynn Centre here in Burlington Vermont and preparing this post for tomorrow’s show in New York. I love going to “The City” which, the last time I checked, puts me in the minority in our organization. Not that anyone hates it, just…

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A picture of my new girlfriend. Be very careful how you fill out those internet dating applications ​Welcome A special welcome to all who have recently discovered the site directly or indirectly through our very own “Queen Charlene”. I told Char about the newsletters a month or so after the UK-Ireland tour with every intention…

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Rock Our Worlds

I started with the idea that popular music isn’t static. As a genre it’s continually in flux, influenced by changes in culture, politics, technology, fashion, war, climate etc. Sometimes certain events or songs are “watershed” moments and it would be cool to get some input as to what those moments are or were. Barry Keane…

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Newsletter 5 We Get Mail

Hi Everyone I just got back to the hotel after our show at the Birmingham Symphony Hall. This venue is spectacular and new. NEW! An anomaly in a place that treasures everything old…………okay, stop it. Not funny.We’re starting to get some feedback from Tuesday’s show at Royal Albert Hall . Here’s an excerpt from a…

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