Return To Albuquerque

Cartoon Jet

Hi everyone!

If you’ve been following my blog, you might remember the story of the white knuckle flight home from Scottsdale, Arizona, early one June morning in 2017.
The post is available in the archive under the “Blog” tab. It’s called “Left At Albuquerque,” and you’ll have to scroll down a ways to find it.
We made an emergency landing in Albuquerque, NM, after an engine failure. The plane was toast, and it would be at least 12 hours to get another one down from Toronto, so we shacked up for the night at a local hotel.
I had a MacBook Pro and a small travel keyboard with me, and I passed the time writing one of my “vignettes,”; short pieces of music that reflect my experiences. I call them “Impressions” which deliberately and shamelessly misleads people into thinking I know something about “Impressionism,” a highly respected school of art, music, and literature that arose in the mid to late 19th century Paris.
There was also part of a bottle of vodka in my bag, and with one trip to the pop machine, I was in business.
After working for a couple of hours, I came up with a ditty I call “Shoulda Toined Left In Albuquerque,” as bugs bunny would say it.
I didn’t know how to put a music clip on my site at the time, so I offered to email an Mp3 to anyone who wanted one. Whew, that kept me busy. I think I got two requests.
Well, I found out how to do it. Here is the first of, I hope, many music posts that were either writtten and/or produced by me or just simply caught my fancy.