Bring On Jan. 1


Hi everyone!
Let me tell you what’s been going on in Heff world these past months. Beer, Sudoku, crossword puzzles and Netflix. Last February was the last time I had played a concert until Friday, December 18, when we (Gord and band) did a live stream from the El Mocambo in Toronto.
I had a few “oh shit” moments, to be sure. I’d look down at the keys sometimes in the middle of a tune and realize I didn’t have a clue what chord or riff was next. Amazingly I ended up with a no-hitter. Not a perfect game, but those are rare anyway, even at the best of times.
Everyone did great.
It was strange, almost eerie playing without an audience. We had canned applause, which made it even spookier. It was all very surreal, like we were actors in some bizarre dystopian sci-fi movie. Spielberg could have had us in hazmat suits with three robot backup singers on stage, and it wouldn’t have been any weirder.
Everyone in masks like desperate criminals, Tarantino would have had us firebomb the stage for the encore.
Speaking of that, isn’t the encore a splendid little bit of show-biz baloney? You leave the stage as if it’s over, return pretending to be surprised by the audience’s response, and you do the big song you had planned to do anyway.
Happy New Year, everyone. As we say goodbye to a horrible year, let’s not forget that something wonderful did happen towards the end of 2020. As a grateful Canadian, I’d like to express my appreciation to all the liberal Americans that got off their butts this time and voted.
Now let’s get 70 percent of us vaccinated and put a little fun back into life.