My Future In Site


Her Comment                                                    

I may have already mentioned this in an earlier post,  but I’m back to online dating again. 

Sad but true, my storybook romance with Kim fizzled. A friendly fizzle to be sure and it was by mutual agreement, but to leave behind a situation that so recently seemed blessed by the Gods was gut wrenching. 

To avoid depression (and to use a wildly inappropriate expression) I decided to get right back on the horse.

So here I am, an online dater again, much the same as last year. If you think that perhaps I’d be a little more suave, charming or a touch more polished due to my experience in these matters, check this out:              .

It’s the third message to a very nice lady and I’ve just explained a little of what I do for a living. She  made the observation that with the whirlwind type of travelling I do, I probably don’t get to really see or experience the places I visit. 

My Response

Over the years I’ve been able to do and see a lot more than you’d think considering our mind-blowingly compressed schedule. In the morning, at dinner break or on days off, I make a point of going out and getting a feeling for whatever place I’m in. 

Rick Haynes, our bass player and band boss, would rather I didn’t wander around so much. ”If I could get you under contract “  he’s said more than once,  “I’d include a clause restricting you to a one kilometre limit from the hotel or the venue”   

“Rick, old buddy, you know how much I respect you” I reply, “and you also know where to shove that contract. What I don’t know is why you keep wasting your breath. I’d never sign it. I mean, what you gonna do? Get me fired?”


“Yer full of BS”

“No, you are.”

“You are”

“You are”

………this could continue into infinite regress were it not for one of us taking the high road which, in this case, is shutting the fuck up and walking away. The only way to win of course is to be the one to say the last “you are” or create a situation I like to use in which you can’t hear the other person……..Like this:

Yell “you are!” and run away with your fingers in your ears singing “Nah nah nah nah, goodbye” in a loud voice. 

Very Mature

We all have our quirks. One of mine just happens to be an occasional reversion to childhood. 

Foo say: Man who sing too much too soon

               Soon croon a very lonely tune