Happy New Year


Happy New Year

Where does the time go? In May it will be three years since I started this blog. It began humbly as a chronicle of our celebrated first UK-Ireland tour since 1981. Friends and relatives were on a mailing list for the messages and updates I sent out every two or three days. I enjoyed writing them and towards the end of the trip I began thinking I should archive them and put the lot on a separate hard drive. 

By our last show in England which was Bristol, I was working on a new idea. A web page that could store the material off site and make it available to the public. Another big plus, it would give me the ambition to continue writing in the form of a blog. A blog, as I understood it, was a regularly updated web site that could be about anything.

The next stop was Belfast which was far enough away to require a travel day with no show. In my hotel room after dinner I started looking into registering a domain name, finding some instructions on setting it up because I had no idea how, and contracting a host so that it would actually show up on the internet. I was done in time to down a few pints of Guinness in the hotel bar.

“BLOG” by the way, is not an acronym despite what a lot of people think. When asked to decipher it nobody gets very much past Bulletin Letters or Batches of Literary something or other. It’s simply a shortened version of Web Log. 

The last few months have been restrictive, challenging in a worrisome way and included a dabble with the darkness (a vulnerability I thought I had left behind years ago). A fortuitous event was woven into my tapestry as well, making for a mind boggling bipolarized quarter of a year. 

This will all be grist for the mill as I try, once again, to post regularly. I’m not promising once a week but maybe two or three a month is possible.

And back to my sardonic but, I hope, light hearted look at life and the music business! Humour is the only really effective way to deal with the storm folks…….and perhaps also a dollop of Irish whiskey from time to time.

Please check in regularly as I attempt to be the smartest person in the world. The possibility instead of being the biggest asshole on the planet is what makes the whole thing entertaining.

To all my readers I wish you the very best in 2019

Mike Heffernan