MtH Weekly #1 Donald Duck


Hi Everyone! Welcome to the first of my weekly reports on whatever bugs, pleases, amazes me or just is. It might be controversial from time to time which will be a bonus. I love controversy.

So let’s not waste time in getting right down to a sensitive topic, Donald Trump. I could have included a “versus Hilary Clinton” in the name of this issue but I can’t bring myself to demean Ms. Clinton by having her name in the same sentence as that loser.

Now, if any of my American readers feel, that as a Canadian, I have no business commenting one way or the other about your politics, I’ll remind you that the BIG U.S. PADDLE creates ripples that rock the rest of the world, especially Canada. Our late great Prime Minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau once said, in addressing the Press Club in Washington DC:

“Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt”.

By the way, those of us who reside in the Greater Toronto Area had our own brush with Populism. An obese, pug-faced bully named Rob Ford was able to deceive enough voters to get himself elected mayor. He convinced the majority that he alone could “stop the gravy train” which meant wash the waste and larceny out of a “dis-functional town council”. Like Trump, he claimed a kinship with the average guy who wonders where his tax dollars and maybe his job are going, both legitimate concerns. But like Trump, he would blatantly lie and show little chagrin when called out. And also like Trump, he was born into affluence and couldn’t possibly relate to the average guy’s troubles. Once elected neither he nor his expensive consultants could find the Gravy Train.

In my travels, which have included many or all of the contiguous states since the campaign began, I’ve been hearing that tired old mantra “If so and so wins, I’m moving to Canada” This gets nauseatingly repetitive every election and most times lacks any substance. I didn’t notice millions of new immigrants from the south in 2004 when Kerry got Bushwhacked following a less than glowing first term by GW.

My ex, who is from Pennsylvania, mentioned more than once, following that gut-wrenching defeat, that if she didn’t already live up here she’d be loadin’ up the truck and movin’ to Overlee (a street in Toronto……sorry, I had to make that work somehow).

Speaking of my ex, for whom I was still carrying a gradually waning torch last year, said in an email that if Trump wins the party nomination she’s moving back up. Being the fickle, sometimes superficial weeny that I am, I began rooting for him………………. relax, just a joke except not funny

Right now, before you read any further, check out this link sent to me by Bernie Fiedler, our friend and promoter of all our Canadian shows.

There was but one “reply all” to the message that was sent to everyone in the GL organization. It was from Warren our tour manager.

“Why is Gord not on (this) show?”

Good question. Particularly considering the fact that Colbert is a fan of Gord’s. I knew this from before. Let’s see…….. who books the US?

See you next week