Extreme East

car drive 2

Hi Everyone

I had resolved to write a post for each day of this remarkable tour of Atlantic Canada. It’s now six days into it and we’re in Charlottetown PEI having already played in Fredericton, Halifax and Moncton. So much for resolutions. 

I didn’t get any sleep Sunday night before the trip. I left my house at 8:35  Monday morning and arrived at our first stop in New Brunswick, fifteen hours and twenty-five minutes later. 

There were four of us in two vehicles. Rick (bass) and Carter (guitar) rode in the truck while Barry (drums) and I (you know) travelled together in my Ford Escape. Other than filling the tank or having a wiz we talked non-stop the whole way. All kinds of important issues were discussed.

For example, out of these three shows that debuted in the 64/65 season: The Munsters, Bewitched, and The Addams Family, which was the more intellectually compelling?

Also: If a Vampire and a Zombie were to have a fight, which one would win?

And: During a fantasy sequence in an episode of the Simpsons, could the narrative be better served if it’s a monkey doing Homer’s job rather than a chicken?

We felt enriched by the conversation and of course it helped to pass the time but still, the drive was beyond brutal. It definitely deserves a complaint to the SPCM (society for the prevention of cruelty to musicians).

Allow me to make a brash statement: We are a really, really good band. The problem is, out of the five of us, I’m the only one who knows it. 

Here’s a typical scenario as we walk back to the dressing rooms immediately following a concert:

Band member (take your pick): What did you think of the show?

Me: It was wonderful. You?

Band member: Crap

Constantly striving to rise above a self-defined mediocrity and being humble are admirable qualities but didn’t we get into music because it seemed like fun?

If you want a life where nothing you do is good enough, try politics. Come on now, stop it… “get married” is too easy a joke….

Today we’re leaving Prince Edward Island and heading to St. John. The next day, St. John’s. I know, confusing isn’t it? One is in New Brunswick, the other in Newfoundland. 

To be continued…….