Happy New Year Everyone

Covid new year 3

I hope you found some joy in the Christmas season despite the constant battle to stay ahead of THE VIRUS. This insidious little wanker of a micro-organism has been pissing me off for two Christmas seasons now. Not only can a whole multitude of the buggers “pop in” without an invitation, but they also procreate like crazy as soon as they’ve entered. Picture these hideously repugnant low-lifes like a host of Tolkien dwarfs copulating under the dining room table during Christmas dinner.

Was I Kidding?

This is one butt-ugly creature. A coughed-up furball with a complexion problem.

My Christmas

The festive season got off to a slow start this year. I didn’t even get the outdoor lights happening until noon Christmas day. My girlfriend Jeanette was saving the day with her indomitable Yuletide spirit but it still looked to be a bit of a sleeper for all of us until an invited guest showed up in the early afternoon.

A day of culture and refinement

Jo-Anne, a university English professor and Shakespeare specialist was expected to regale us with late 16th and early 17th century theatre facts and some articulate musings of academic life in general.

“What? I don’t want to talk about work! Fuck that!” ……Something she didn’t exactly say but after a string of expletives including a slew of fifty megaton F- bombs the implication was clear.

Her irreverence spread, and we laughed for eight hours.

Promises, Promises

One of my resolutions for 2022 is to write here more often. I know I’ve said this before but despite a few dry periods, 2021 was an improvement (if only for content….quality? you can judge) over previous years and I’d like to make annual increases a trend.

There will be more music, more stories about touring (which apparently, we’re going to be doing a lot of, Covid be damned), an interview or two with interesting people and definitely some conclusions to stories I began. “Nightlife and Joe Fergus” is an example of that.

All the best in 2022 to everyone. It would please me to hear some comments either in the blog at the bottom of each post or at mikeheff45@gmail.com

Stay safe, stay masked and be up to date with your vaccinations folks. It’s the way we’re going to beat the virus.