Up The Weary Web Wazoo


Thanks, I Think

Hi everyone

I’ve been getting some feedback about how infrequent my posts have been this year. To those of you who took the time to email me and bitch, I’ll take your complaints as a compliment and use them as incentive to write more often.

Who am I kidding? In the eight years since I started this blog, how many times have I resolved to publish regularly? Five? Ten? Then inevitably I write a couple of posts and crawl back into the woodwork for six weeks.

An Effort To Understand

I checked out one of those web sites that offer a free evaluation of your personality. It’s just click-bait to sell you self-help hypnosis videos but what the hell, they weren’t asking for a credit card number yet. So I went straight to the questions about work habits and after a very long video you can’t fast-forward, it showed the results. I was described as a dilly-dallying dawdling deadbeat.

As a former writer of commercial jingles I love a good three part alliteration. But four parts? That’s poetry. The symmetry alone puts it in the realm of the sublime.

Harsh. No question, but before I allowed myself the comfort of annoyed self-pity, I did the test twice more and answered the questions differently. When I referred to myself as responsible and efficient, it called me a pompous asshole. When I said I loved cats and the music of Broadway it judged me to be an effete sissy.

Some Quick Math

In eight years I’ve published about one hundred and sixty posts for my blog. That’s an average of 20 a year. That’s not so bad.