They Don’t Get It part 1

Guy and truck

Until They Get It

You know you’re having a bad day when …….

As I was saying in a recent post, I’m getting tired of Covid 19. We all are. What burns my ass, even more, is the unbelievable irrationality of the protest groups. But even that discussion is getting old. There’s only one reality about Covid that gives perspective. Having it.

And I Have It

Wednesday, February 9: I’m over 400 miles from home and in a different country. It’s York PA and we’re here to do the eighth of a nine show tour segment. I’ll be flying home on Thursday night with the rest of the band provided that a Covid test administered on Tuesday comes up negative. That’s a requirement to enter Canada by air. We don’t know yet if this regulation applies to land crossings as well, particularly for citizens and permanent residents.

Surely they wouldn’t bar their own people and force them to quarantine for ten days outside the country. The US certainly doesn’t want them.

After the show in York, the results are in. I tested positive. Holy fuck.

Rougher Than A Stucco Bathtub

I wasn’t completely surprised. Earlier in the day when asked “how are you?” by a fellow band member, my response was: “I feel like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag.”

Rather than taking a chance on infecting anyone else I decided to take a cab the two and a half miles back to the hotel. Well duh. What about the cab driver? That wouldn’t be fair. This occured to me after everyone else had left.

So I picked up my two heavy bags, checked the GPS my iPhone and started walking. This was around 11:15 pm. I got into the weeds a few times which cost me some valuable time. It was spooky. Very dimly lit for the most part and completely dark in some sections. For ninety percent of it there were no sidewalks and trucks were occasionally going by at high speed. At one point what looked like the Cannonball Express was barrelling towards me. I threw my bags and myself over a fence to avoid it. It probably wasn’t that close but my memory has it as a nano second away from flattening a piano player. I made it back to the hotel just short of 1 am.

To Be Continued