Trump Vs Trudeau…..what started it all


Trump Has Held A Grudge Since This Incident 

President Trump met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in February of 2017 in what was  hailed as a significant tightening and reaffirmation of the historical bonds of friendship and economic cooperation across the world’s longest undefended border.

A “diplomatic success on all counts” was how mainstream Canadian media interpreted it.

“Kissing ass, not on the right cheek, not on the left……right in the middle”,  was another point of view.

Our corespondent reports that Mr. Trump was being briefed in the offal office prior to Justin Trudeau’s arrival and seemed to be both baffled and annoyed at the same time.

Trump: Who is this guy?

Advisor: Justin Trudeau, from Canada

Trump: Tell him to go club a seal, I’m busy……….wait a minute, Justin from Canada? Ivanka loves his music. “Beaver” or some damned thing. But he’s a little prick, isn’t he? Throws eggs at honest, hardworking, American billionaire’s mansions. I should deport him. But Ivanka loves him……. Okay, tell him he’s got 30 minutes.

The reporter tells us that during the prelim tailgate party at the Canadian embassy he witnessed Mr. Trudeau practicing the delayed handshake technique. This is a French Canadian symbol of social dominance called “Est Votre Main Propre” which translates roughly into “hope I brought my Purell”