Pandemonic Pandemic


Hi everyone, I’m back!

I can’t sit by and miss a perfect opportunity to call out our current batch of society’s idiots. It’s just too much fun. 

Let’s get started

Are You A Moron? Find out with this fun little quiz: 

1. Did you, even for just a short while, believe that the symptoms of COVID-19 were caused by the new 5G format for cell phones? If so, score 10 points.

2. If you ever thought that perhaps Donald Trump might be doing a good job, score 5 points.

3. And if you have any doubts now about whether or not he’s a total imbecile, score another 10 points.

4. Do you think Professor Knut Wittkowski is onto something with his “Herd Immunity” experiment in Sweden?  If so, score 7 points.

5. Do you believe it’s possible that viruses don’t even exist and are part of a conspiracy by the media, big pharma, and the government to defend dangerous vaccines? If this is the case, award yourself a generous 20 points.

6. Mayor of Toronto John Tory enjoying “up close and personal” with thousands at Trinity Bellwoods Park yesterday May 23. This, just as Ontario reports the biggest new Covid-19 case count since May 8.  If you’re sorry you missed the get-together score 15 points.

Obviously, if you scored any points at all you are, in fact, a Moron.

I’m going to be nice and not include Ontario residents who voted for Ford in our last provincial election. But really, what were you thinking?

And to my many American friends, the vast majority of whom claim to be liberal, if you don’t get off your butts and vote in the next election then you may as well not even bother to take my test.

Any Rebuttals?

I’m ready. I’ve got the gloves on.