MtH Weekly #4 Foo Say


Mike the Heff Weekly #4 

Hi everyone. Welcome to the fourth weekly report. I’m starting to get some  good feedback  even though you don’t see many posted comments. People are preferring to use email. That’s fine. Email is like using “reply”, the posted comments are like using “reply all”.

Speaking of feedback, here’s an interesting comment on last week’s very strange blog. A reader from Windsor comments that “instead of a fart, perhaps it was a Raspberry”. Some of you know this as a Bronx Cheer. I saw Randy Newman on SNL in 1978, do one of these “Cheers” in response to all who had taken offence to his hit song “Short People”  Unfortunately, there was some precipitation included. In fairness to Randy, it is difficult to do a dry one.

This Windsorite goes on to give a possible moral to the story in the report. And that would be, “Careful what you wish for.”

This is one of the central tenets of the ancient Irish-Chinese philosopher, Foo O’Crap. I’m considered something like an expert on Fooism so I will be quoting from this philosophy frequently.


Eight shows left in 2016. We have four concerts in southern and southeastern Ontario and then the big one. Four shows at Massey Hall here in Toronto. It’s a big deal for us as you can imagine. I’ll report as much as I can. I’ll give you my perspective on anything I think might be of interest and while things like set-lists and between song chatter are important to fans, I’ll leave that to the dot commies as always, to post.


A lot of you are probably already aware of a new single being released next Friday. It was recorded twenty years ago and rediscovered following a clean-up of the studio basement. It’s just Gord and his guitar and it sounds great. There was a version with me playing a brilliantly inspired keyboard part (do you hear something buzzing?) that remains lost. 


There’s going to be more than the usual amount of posting during the next two weeks. Check in regularly. See you soon.