MtH weekly #13 Bring Yer Fishin’ Pole


Hi everyone

I haven’t got much this week. Being the thirteenth of the MtH series it’s just as well. Yes, I am a little bit superstitious. Only about one thing though. Thirteen and its multiples. I particularly dislike 39. I’m very logical about everything else. Gord feels the same way about that number and if you add a Friday to it…. 

Funny how these kinds of obsessions can get ingrained. I have a perfectly logical reason for avoiding 13. 

I’ll save it for a future post.

I’ve just started a project with a young (early twenties) singer-songwriter. Her name is Francesca. I call her Francie. She has some very moody, introspective tunes that manage to avoid the cloying “you think you got problems” typical of female folkies of that age. At the same time she’s not “when life shits on you, make lemonade” either. Personally, given the choice, I’ll take the existential angst over the tinted glasses any day. 

Anyway, she has agreed to let me chronicle the project in my blog. Right here! We’ll show some pictures, describe what we’re doing as it progresses and when we gain some confidence I’ll post a few audio clips. 

And if legalities permit, I will post the completed EP. 

It’ll be done entirely within my own studio. 

I was going to make and post a short video walk-through of my studio today but we had an early thaw here and the ground was so saturated that I had a bit of a flood. Anything that was close to the water had to be moved which is chaos enough, but it had to be moved in a way that the studio was still operational. I had a session yesterday. The water has stopped (it leaked in for 4 days!) but the place is still a mess. The video can wait for next week.

See you later