MtH # 14 Without a net


Hi everybody!

I apologize if anyone was disappointed last weekend. I have this vision of people frantically checking the site every half hour for a new post. Wanting, needing, thirsting, for their weekly shot of air-headed foolery. I will try to make up for it over the next few weeks by being even more mind-blowingly moronic, if that’s possible. 

Today we’ll do something different than usual. I’m going to finish my brief explanation here and publish it into the blog and then go right downstairs to my studio with either my iPhone or iPad and do the little video walk around that I promised. Then right away, without any editing I’ll add it into the blog. Anything can happen. My dialogue will be unscripted and I don’t have a plan for the video shots. Let’s see what happens. It’s still a shambles down there, I’ll straighten it out when I’m confident the water is finished coming in.

So this will be published at around 11:45 pm Eastern. I’ll be back in half an hour.

2 am

The video is done. I figured out a way to get it into my Macbook, but I’m stumped as to getting it into my blog.

8 am

Finally I found a way to do it. It required uploading to You Tube and posting the link. Bizarrely, the alphanumeric link morphed into what you see here. This comes from my video. Why it chose this, and why it replaced the very normal looking link I don’t know. Also, the video ends with a picture of Edward Snowden. If you click it you get to see a recent interview with him in Russia. This is unintentional.

So just click the image (there may or may not be a “play” arrow……if there is, click on that) and enjoy, if you will, a truly dreadful production.   My Studio            See you later