BB King’s


Hi everyone. I’m back at the hotel after an excellent show at the Flynn Centre here in Burlington Vermont and preparing this post for tomorrow’s show in New York. I love going to “The City” which, the last time I checked, puts me in the minority in our organization. Not that anyone hates it, just that its a pain in the ass to do anything that includes a car, is more expensive for everything and (in a lot of people’s opinions) just doesn’t live up to the hype. All true! But what can you say about a place where the names and images of neighborhoods, parks, concert halls, streets, squares even delis and department stores resound through movies, novels, television etc. New York City has taken up residence in our collective conciousness in a big way and personally, I get a kick out of it.

Now with the hightened alert surrounding the United Nations General Assembly and President Obama likely to be attending tomorrow we’ll see if I’m still as fond of it at the end of the day. Stay tuned.

42nd Street and there’s Gord on BB King’s marquis. What’s amazing about this scenario is the large semi parked right in front. That’s ours!! I would have said that its impossible to get a permit to do this for a few hours let alone a full day. But there it sat from load-in to load-out …………about twelve hours.

The show went well and the crowd liked it but the sound on stage was strange. How can I describe it…..? Halloweenish. Like disembodied spirits were floating and howling in front of the PA. Hobgoblins that escaped from Madam Tussauds across the street. Here’s a picture of one………….

Actually, this is our long-time good friend and fan, John Corcoran, under some unfortunate lighting back by the bar at BB Kings.